Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Blue Pitbull, a great companion dog

If you are looking for a loyal, obedient dog? Then a blue pitbull may be the answer. These dogs have had a bad run in the media and are faced with being outlawed in many countries. It is true that these dogs, when they attack, are very dangerous, but when you look at the circumstances behind these attacks, it is seldom the dogs fault. Look at some of the owners and their animal handling skills. Some people believe that owning a tough looking dog makes them look tough, when these kinds of people have a dog like a blue pit bull, they don’t know how to treat it without spoiling it. This includes some who would rile up their dog to make it appear more savage, and end up making it an uncontrollable, unpredictable and dangerous animal. On the other hand take owners who from obtaining a Blue pit bull pup treat it with kindness and respect and you will find an animal with the temperament of the mildest mannered pet.

A Blue pit bull puppies for sale is one of the world’s cutest animals. It would be hard for anyone not fall in love with one. Once trained these dog are incredibly focused and competitive, try getting a soggy old tennis ball off a Blue pit bull when he doesn’t want you to. It is not a good idea to keep Blue pit bull in a small area unless you are totally committed to exercising it. They have a life expectancy of about 12 years and must have plenty of exercise, just throwing a ball or Frisbee for half an hour can do a world of good for the dogs’ health and mental welfare, not to mention the advantages to the owner. These dogs are wonderful companions, and to pass up on owning one due to the way they have been portrayed in the press would be a great shame.
For more information on Blue pitbulls visit us at Blue Pit Bull Puppies

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