Pit Bull Training - Very Important!
As previously mentioned Blue Pit Bulls are a highly intelligent breed who have been bred to work. Therefore they take to obedience training and other dog sports with great enthusiasm and skill. For a Pit Bull, obedience training provides much needed mental stimulation, physical exercise and time spent bonding with you. No wonder they love it so much!
Pit Bulls thrive on non violent, reward based training methods. They are highly motivated students who certainly don't require any harsh corrections or intimidation throughout the training process. Many Pit Bulls have achieved great success with clicker training methods, check out this ebook to help train your Pit Bull - Clicker Training for Pit Bulls.
Along with plenty of puppy socialization your Pit Bull should be taught all the basic obedience training commands such as sit, stay, come, down and go to your spot.
Pit Bulls grow to be big, strong dogs who can be fairly stubborn and will display dominance if allowed to get away with it. They require a firm, consistent and always fair leader to guide them, and set them up for success.
Below are some breed specific issues you are well advised to get right when training your Pit Bull Terrier puppy:
- Pit Bull puppy house training is one of the first and biggest training or management issues to get right. The use of a crate is invaluable in the Pit Bull housebreaking process. As long as pick out and stick to a good house training schedule you'll find that your Pit Bull puppy catches on very quickly. Remember to make it crystal clear to your puppy exactly what you would like him/her to do and always be consistent and fair in the process.
- Pit Bull puppies can be extremely destructive little beasts if they are left alone, full of energy and bored for long periods. You'll find that this pent up energy will manifest itself through digging, chewing, whining and many other destructive behaviors. These problems can be minimized through on leash walks, obedience training and chew toy training.
- A Pit Bull puppy who pulls on the leash is a problem, a fully grown Bully who pulls on his/her leash is a nightmare! This is one behavior that is best taught early and continually reinforced. The last thing you want is for your Pit Bull puppy to develop a leash pulling problem - prevention is better (and easier) than the cure.
- Just as important as leash training is teaching your Pit Bull to stop jumping up on you and your guests. Pit Bulls love to jump up to greet people, but this is obviously an unacceptable behavior for a number of reasons. It's best to teach this to your Pit Bull puppy early in order to prevent this bad habit from taking hold. The good news is that the "jumping up" behavior is not all that difficult to prevent or put a stop to. The key is to always be clear and consistent with the message that you are communicating to your Pit Bull. In other words you must get it through to your dog that jumping up is never acceptable.
- Another urgent Pit Bull training issue is puppy chewing. Pit Bull's love to chew when they are young and going through the teething stage. Although this is a natural behavior it is also very annoying and can be expensive! There are some simple strategies you can put into place which will help to redirect and minimize the puppy chewing problems.
- Dog to dog aggression is another behavioral problem that Pit Bull owners often report. This comes back to proper socialization and controlling your dog (and the environment) when on or off leash. Puppy kindergarten and Pit Bull obedience training classes are excellent places to provide some much needed interaction with other dogs and people. You can read more about the ins and outs of puppy socialization here - Pit Bull puppy socialization.

As mentioned, puppy kindergarten and some obedience training classes are a good idea for all breeds but especially for Pit Bulls. If you are unable to afford or get to a good class you could study and implement these training methods for your Pit Bull - Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer.
Click here to find the best Blue Pitbull puppies for sale
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